Success in one entertainment medium does not automatically translate into another, but for our partner Com2uS, the transition is going “comic-ally” well – and that’s a good thing! Over the past few months, we spearheaded the reveal of comic books based on fantasy RPG franchise Summoners War, working alongside Com2uS and Skybound Entertainment (we loved rekindling our relationship since we worked on The Walking Dead: March to War). We revealed the Summoners War: Legacy comic during the Skybound Xpo virtual event, securing top-tier comic, geek and mobile media, but didn’t stop there as we knew there was another way to build on that exposure…interviews!

Summoners War: Legacy has an insanely talented roster of artists and writers, one of them being writer Justin Jordan (Reaver, Dead Body Road). His prowess in the comic book and graphic novel industry was the perfect hook to set up interviews.
Without missing a beat, we SPRANG! into action, drafting a pitch leading with Summoners War: Legacy and offering an interview opportunity with Justin. We heavily researched geek and comic book media and handpicked writers that were perfect as interview targets. Before you know it, we locked in some serious interview interest!
Over the next few months, we strategized with media discussing potential interview topics, exclusive assets, coverage timing and more – a TON more goes into these interviews than you might think. We specialize in setting up interviews though so, naturally, we kept everything running smoothly and on track.

We could have taken the easy route and called it a day after the comic book news reveal but knew the opportunity for interviews here were too good to pass up. We really wanted to continue Summoners War: Legacy’s momentum and flex Com2uS’ versatility as more than a mobile publisher. The interviews turned out amazing and definitely increased the debut comic’s exposure among the passionate comic book fanbase. Take a look and check out our results: