Wonacott Communications

VR Publishing Platform, Vusr, Taps Wonacott to Take Brand to the Next Level

Emerging technology takes time for adoption. It needs to strike a with and gain awareness form businesses and consumers alike. Virtual reality (VR) is no different, but its foray into mediums beyond gaming hold promising implications for the industry’s future. Our newest client, Vusr, is a game-changing piece of tech that makes VR’s transition into […]

Covert PR Tactics for Polyarc’s VR Game Moss, Reinvigorating Interest in PSVR

Situation Overview Every year the impending arrival of Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) brings new sets of tricky situations for our attending clients. For virtual-reality start-up comprised of ex-Bungie developers Polyarc and its VR game Moss, heading to E3 was panning out to be an almost unprecedentedly difficult labyrinth of red tape and media fatigue. Typically […]

YoYo Games Wins Design & Creativity Tool Award at Develop Conference 2017

We are incredibly stoked to share that YoYo Games’ GameMaker Studio 2 just won the Design & Creativity Tool Award at Develop Conference! As one of the leading 2D game engines, GameMaker Studio 2 is a classic example of how behind-the-scenes tools are often overshadowed by the games produced using them. From a PR perspective, […]


WOW! What an awesome E3 as we repped five separate clients attending this year, working hard to ensure each received the highest level of media and influencer appointments for jam-packed schedules. Add in consumers for the first time at the show and our outreach, careful organization, onsite logistics and industry knowledge helped us prevail! Completely […]

Bringing an Educational Game Engine to the Right Audiences

YoYo Games’ GameMaker Studio 2, a leading 2D game engine, is well-known for its ease-of-use and dedicated support system from its internal team and community of developers. Countless game creators have used the engine to hone their skills or make their first video game. This made YoYo Games’ decision to release a simple package deal […]

Creating Success for GameMaker Studio 2’s Official Launch

Working in video games is always great, but doing the PR for YoYo Games, an industry leader in 2D video game engines, is truly next level. Once they tasked us to handle media relations for the official launch of GameMaker Studio 2, the stellar follow-up to an incredible game creation tool, we were thrilled to […]

Jason Wonacott to Share Insight on how Independent PR Pros can Best Work with Agencies

Our team’s very own Jason Wonacott (a.k.a. the PR Guy) will be sharing practical tips for independent PR pros at this year’s “Are you ‘Agency Ready” Workshop at Lawry’s The Prime Rib in Beverly Hills. The panel focuses on how agencies partner with independent practitioners and how they can create a win-win situation. However, seeing […]

VR, cars, shooting and awards: Team Wonacott’s E3 Recap

This year Team Wonacott took to E3 wrangling media for VR hardware and games galore. With three major exhibitors spread over the South Hall, Concourse and West Hall, we were going several directions with exclusive demos, live shows, and sneak peeks galore. Nexon America went hands on with Boss Key’s heavily award nominated PC online […]

VR, MMOs, Shooters, Platformers… we are stoked for E3 next week!

Every June the tempo – and the tension – at our office increases. It’s E3 time! Next week many of our team will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center working our media relations mojo for some killer companies with awesome games and hardware. It’s going to be a killer week! The Wonacott team starting […]